Serpentine / Anchoring your Sensitivity

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

We are all gifted with the ability to feel.  To be a Sensitive is to feel Highly.  Often times this...


Kyanite / Communicating your Highest Truth

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

You are invited to investigate communicating your Highest Truth via connection with Blue Kyanite. Only by communicating from a place...


Grossularite Garnet / Engaging the Energy of Prosperity

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

By utilising the solid, present and peaceful crystalline qualities of Grossularite Garnet we will make clear and concise contact with...


Quartz Pyramids / Awakening & Aligning your Purpose

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

The group this month focuses on awakening Your Purpose.  A way to engage with your purpose is to see it...


Mangano Calcite / Enlightened Love

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

This beautiful Crystal enables the receiving of Universal & Self Love. Helping to bring about insight into the ways in...


Charoite / Heeding your Heart’s Guidance

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

For the groups this month we will be working with the Deeply Shamanic stone Charoite. Charoite is an excellent stone to...


Lapis Lazuli / Love as a Pathway

The Light Centre Lower Ground, 49 Marylebone High St,, London, London, United Kingdom

Love is the spectrum of all Energy. Unkind or unpleasant things are love that has been distorted. Like a body...
